Yoga in India – Some Interesting Facts & Figures One Need to Know

India, the land of unity in diversity, has taken over the world by storm. Learners seeking education for yoga are continuously coming to the country. The reason is – the growing number of yoga retreats and yoga TTC are among the most popular holiday options for travelers in the 21st century. The ancient Indian-born science has reached various parts of the world in different forms. But, many of us are still unaware of its history, birth, development, and several other facts and figures in India. Let’s have a quick look through them!

Things you should know about – yoga in India

Yoga Originated in India

Yoga Originated in India

The ancient Indian-practice of yoga originated on the divine soil of India. In the Vedic age, ascetic yogic priests use to practice yajna in the form of various yoga postures, as mentioned in the oldest writings of Vedas. Soon many Indian sages and saints went on to the Himalayas to study the benefits of these postures on health, wellness, and overall well-being. The practice soon came into existence as yoga. India becomes the birthplace of yoga and one such place where one can celebrate the spiritual discipline in an unadulterated form.

Yoga is a part of Indian Culture

Yoga is a part of Indian Culture

Yoga needs no introduction in India. People adopted yoga as a method of lifestyle. According to the facts, yoga learning is more than just twisting and turning the body; it a religion that should be followed for generations and after. The Indian yoga style is different from what practiced in the western world. Despite having cultural, religious, linguistic variances, there is one thing that ties the country and its natives together, and that is yoga.

India is a hub for yoga learners

India is a hub for yoga learners

With the growth, popularity, and development, India has become the top-searched yoga learning destinations throughout the world. Yoga practitioners from all over the world flock to the country for learning authentic and authorized yoga teachings. India has the maximum number of Yoga Alliance certified yoga institutions in the globe; the nation is home to the most amount of affiliated yoga schools. World’s best yoga teachers either belong to this country or live here for practicing and teaching yoga to others. The state also celebrates International Yoga Day on the 21st of June every year, at different parts of to promote the teachings throughout the world.

India’s effort to promote yoga

India’s effort to promote yoga

In India, yoga has incorporated in schools, hospitals, prisons, and police academies. The government of India endorsed a special Ministry of Yoga to promote ancient practice throughout the world. AYUSH is also a separate department that started for Ayurveda and yoga in India. The prime minister of the country is also an enthusiastic yoga practitioner and has practiced it for years. Recently, he practiced with more than 45,000 people on International Yoga Day this year. Prime Minister Narendra Modi finds yoga as an essence of life, such as the salt in the food we eat. India has become a source of learning wellness and the secret of good health through traditional practice. The tradition is expected to take a more substantial chain in the upcoming future.

In a nutshell

In a nutshell

Yoga in India is never going to fade away. The rich, diversified country has gone all the way to promote and keep the knowledge alive for years. If you are an enthusiastic learner or want to accomplish your dream to become a professional yoga trainer, India is one the safest and reliable place to head-on. So, pack your baggage, travel to the amazing journey of transformation with the best yoga teacher training in India – Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School.

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