Asanas: Physical postures of yoga.

Mantra: Sounds, syllables, words or groups of words that are repeated with the goal of creating a positive transformation; a sacred thought or prayer.

Guru: Teacher or master; one who illuminates the darkness.

Hatha Yoga: From “ha” (sun) and “that” (moon), hatha yoga seeks to unify opposites – body and mind, and describes any of the physical practices of yoga.

Mudra: Hand positions that have an influence on the energetic or feeling body.

Namaste: Commonly said at the end of a yoga class by the instructor and the students that honor one soul to another.

Meditation: The process of opening to and becoming friends with our human experience.

Pranayama: Breath awareness to facilitate inner stillness and awareness.

Props: Mats, blocks, bolsters, and straps used to extend the range of motion and facilitate ease in a pose.

Savasana: Final relaxation; literally translated as “corpse pose.”

OM: Considered to be the first sound of creation. OM is frequently chanted before, after and/or during yoga classes.

Yoga: From the Sanskrit “yug” (yoke), means “union”. Yoga is an ancient discipline in which physical postures, breath practices, meditation, and philosophical study are used as tools for achieving liberation.

If you’ve ever felt confused in a yoga class and don’t know your inner strength, this glossary of yoga terms is for you! Visit now

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