Why Counting is Important in Ashtanga Yoga Practice

Yogi’s life is the quench of the curiosity that pops up in your head while you learn more about the ancient forms of yoga. Ashtanga yoga is one such form that is promoted as the modern form of classical yoga in today’s busy lifestyle. Ashtanga yoga focuses on the synchronization of the breath over your movements. It carries the essence of its origination and shares the traditions among all the yoga practitioners around the globe. Ashtanga yoga is a classical form that renders your intellect still and composed, that is necessary to attain a healthy and peaceful mind.

Ashtanga Yoga Practice

Several yoga sequences get counted while we dwell into the Ashtanga form. Ashtanga yoga training also has various courses, mantras, and the significant elements that allow the practitioner to develop his unique presence.

Is Sanskrit counting important in Ashtanga yoga practice

Ever wondered why some teachings trace the same methodologies that were used some thousands of years ago? Is counting important in Ashtanga yoga practice?

Let’s dwell on the various aspects of counting in Ashtanga yoga practice with its different implications over reality.

  • The idea behind counting in Ashtanga yoga practice is a thought-through system that enables you to master all the classical forms of Ashtanga yoga with perfection.
  • It deepens your perspective on the origination of the yogic forms on a better understanding of its application and self-reflection.

Ashtanga Yoga Practice

  • Counting in Ashtanga yoga also helps you to communicate better with the yogic trainers. Ensuring your learning phase is fruitful, Sanskrit counting synchronizes your yoga movements with the harmonics of your breath.
  • Sanskrit Ashtanga count and calling out the postures in a similar way as it is done traditionally helps you carry a legacy of yogic sciences that was created years ago. It establishes a sense of belonging with the supreme power of yoga in its raw form with the same serenity.
  • It deepens your roots, creating more focus on what you are learning than just merely doing the postures. It aides profoundly to the absorption of the poses into the present moment.
  • Counting in Ashtanga yoga practice perfections the process of learning with tremendous inspiration. Dwelling deeper, you would be happy to invest your time in learning more.

Ashtanga Yoga Training

The final word

Whether you are learning yoga for the first time or you possess a higher level of expertise in yogic sciences, counting in Ashtanga yoga will help you reach a new level of focus, a quieter mind, and a cleaned-up practice. Sensing the feeling that all parts of the practice suddenly became a unified whole. Explore the transformation from merely doing the things to fully embodying the whole method as you go through it with us.

For more details, you call us at 955-867-2399 or email us at rishikeshvinyasayogaschool@gmail.com.

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Also read: Learn the Basics of Ashtanga Yoga Practice

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