What to do in your Free Time During Global Locked Down

The gloom has spread all over the world due to the outbreak of novel Coronavirus. People are self-isolating to prevent the spread of this pandemic disease and concerned about their health as well. It is also difficult for people to step out of their residents during this lockdown. Quarantine is the most unpleasant reality of our life, where we are not able to do anything.

One good thing is being at home you can spend time doing any fun activities to pamper yourself. But having all that free time, it is quite exciting initially, but later it overwhelms you.

Ashtanga Yoga

If you are a yoga student, it is imperative to use this time wisely instead of wasting it. However, you can practice and revive your left out yoga training to enhance your skills. In this way, you do not only increase your ability, but you are concern more about your health as well.

Here are some yoga forms you can practice at home and revive your left yoga training

Ashtanga Yoga

If you are a newbie and want to learn something challenging, choose Ashtanga Yoga for practicing. During COVID-19, this full power activity boosts your immune system. As well, Ashtanga –Vinyasa Yoga course prepares you for teaching yoga and facilitates tremendous personal growth. This form of Yoga, also known as Power yoga, will train and support you to look deeper at yourself.

Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga takes years of practice and dedication to master this form. Therefore, it is imperative to practice as much as you can during this lockdown to enhance your skills.

There are many competitors or avid yogis who love to learn more about Ashtanga Yoga. So this is the right time you must prepare yourself to become a yoga teacher.

If you already practice Ashtanga Yoga, especially in the Mysore style, you’ll have a better grasp to carry out your asana practice competently at home.

It is also advisable, especially beginner do it at your own pace. The abundant practice of Ashtanga yoga not benefits, but you might get injured, so take it slow at first.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is the traditional sequence, which is originated over 5000 years ago. Ancient yogis practiced it to create harmony between body, mind, and soul. This Hatha Yoga is the best suited for this quarantine period to take care of your physical and mental problems.

Hatha Yoga

If you are a beginner, it is perfect for you to try now during this lockdown period. Hatha Yoga has several variations that make you perfect in all the poses like Tadasana, Chakrasana, Veerbadrasana, and other forms.

In Conclusion

Being a yoga student, it is now difficult for you to step out and do Yoga during the global lockdown. As a learner, it is imperative to practice regularly. So, your body won’t get stiff and carry out your practice to prevent yourself from forgetting your yoga sequence.

Amid global lockdown, you should not venture out for your yoga classes. Subscribe our YouTube channel to carry out your practice during the Coronavirus crisis.

For more details, call us at 955-867-2399 or mail us at rishikeshvinyasayogaschool@gmail.com.

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