What is the Business Aspect of Yoga?

Yoga, the ancient physical practice of developing a healthy body and mind, finds its way in generating more profit for yoga practitioners these days. Any yoga professional who has completed a certified course in yoga teacher training in India can open his or her studio for yoga learning. No matter whether the person belongs from any country, race, creed, or sex; Yoga learning is open to all. You can also join a yoga course to become a professional trainer in few days. 

Yoga Teacher Training in India

Some Surprising facts about yoga as a Business

Yoga is a multi-billion dollar industry:

In 2013, in a Huffington post, yoga shares $27billion to the overall economy. In 2016, a study of yoga journals and the Yoga Alliance reported $16.8billion income from this industry. Statistics concluded that yoga individually accounts for $9.09billion in year 2015 and is expected to grow in next coming years.

In India, Yoga has been one of the most significant sources of revenue for the country. Between pictures of celebrities practising yoga on the beach or ministers raving for the benefits, yoga has gradually raised the value of a healthier population cost-effectively. Now, it’s been aggressively taken up by various health institutes, sports institutes, and even rehabilitation institutes all over India. According to Indian economic studies, Indian wellness market accounts for rupees 499 million; of that, 40 percent is wellness services.  It is expected to increase at a sharp rate in the upcoming years.

About 36 percent of world population practice yoga:

According to UN reports, more than 2 billion people is practising yoga around the world. In 2016, a report from Yoga Journal and Yoga Alliance confirmed that 34 percent of Americans are incredibly interested in learning yoga. More than 36.7 million Americans are professional trained US practitioners. Over half of the two million yoga practitioners are of Indian origin.

The number of Yoga Studios is increasing:

With the growth and demand for yoga learning, the number of yoga schools and yoga institutes is blooming rapidly through all parts of the world. Surprisingly, USA has around 6,000 yoga studios for yoga learning. Some of them are homegrown while others are becoming increasingly corporate.

Yoga accessories are top demand:

If you look into Amazon’s top searched item in year 2018, then you will get a surprising result. Yoga mat was ranked No, 58 on list of top Amazon searches. More than 769,000 people searched for a yoga mat on Amazon. Whereas in India, a Delhi-based yoga institute confirmed rupees 3 lakh purchase of yoga articles and sports items in the year 2015-16. According to media reports, yoga industry accounts for $80 billion of revenue; In India, it has crossed rupees 85,000 crores annually.

Yoga Teacher Training in India

Yoga teaching is a popular job:

According to CNN reports, being a professional yoga trainer is considered one of the best full-time or part-time employment. You are owner and the boss of your yoga studio. If you look into the previous statistics, 52,746 teachers had graduated from 18,000 Yoga Alliance-registered schools in year 2015.

If you are planning to start your yoga studio in India or abroad, you are never going to regret. Yoga teacher training in India will help you pursue your passion and earn something good for your livelihood.

For further queries about yoga teacher training in India or Bali, call 955-867-2399, or email at rishikeshvinyasayogaschool@gmail.com

Also, read – Why Rishikesh is Known as the Yoga Capital of the World?

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