What Are Bandhas or Yogic Locks

Yoga is a unique term that is quite difficult to explain it in one word. It has various meanings for many people who practice it regularly.

This ancient yoga is a practice related to Bandhas and Mudras for raising the kundalini energy in the spine. These internal yogic locks, allows a practitioner to block the energy flow in the body to retain prana or breathing.

Bandhas are advanced techniques in Hatha Yoga Classes to gain control and lock your energy in the body.

Read on to understand about Bandhas, their types, and their benefits:

What are Bandhas

Bandhas means “Locks” Or yogic locks to control the flow of energy in the body. They are mainly four types:

(1)MulaBandha –


The Sanskrit term of “Mula” means root, and “Bandha” means a lock. These kinds of Mudras are practiced in asana and pranayama to gain control and lock your energy in the body. MulaDhara Chakra is located at the spine to regulate MulaBandha. You need to start with exhalation and employ the pelvic floor, draws upwards towards the Navel.



It is also called an abdominal lock and mainly practiced in Hatha Yoga. Here you need to stretch the respiratory diaphragm as much as you can. Uddiyanabandha cleanses the abdominal organs and tones the interior muscles.



JalandharaBandha is an important bond that retains breath and focuses on three main Nadis or energy channels. To practice it, sit in the pose of Sukhasana while doing so, keep your spine straight and relax down your shoulder. Now inhale deeply and fill your entire lungs, now drop the chin against the chest and uphold the breath for few seconds. This form of pranayama awakens the inner Nadis and increases the ability to retain the breath and improves concentration.



In Sanskrit, “Maha” means huge, and “Bandha” means a lock. It implies the large lock. It is mostly found in the books of Hatha Yoga teacher training like Hatha YogaPradeepika, Siva Samhita, and Gheranda Samhita. It is also called as tri-bandha, as it involves all three Bandhas.

Benefits of Bandhas


In Hatha Yoga or AshtangaYoga classes, you would have heard about Bandhas that yoga teachers often use the word during your yoga classes. They generally do so, to activate you Nadis and reap the benefits of yogic locks. Lets us tell you some significant advantages of Bandhas.

  1. All four Bandhas are important and stops the flow of blood and increase the flow of fresh blood in the entire body. They cleansed the dead cells and strengthened improves and revitalize all body organs.
  2. These four Bandhas beneficial for opening Nadis, Chakras, and improves brain function as well.
  3. Bandhas aids in cleansing opens the blockages; releases stress, and create a hormonal balance between body-mind and soul.

In Conclusion

The bandhas are yogic locks which retain breathing to stimulate all chakras and Nadis. To practice and learn these locks, you need to join any Hatha yoga classes and start practicing under the guidance of t yoga teachers.

Join Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School is the best school to teach you everything about all forms of yogic locks and asanas.  

Drop an email for admission details rishikeshvinyasayogaschool@gmail.com or inquiries call us now at 955-867-2399.

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