Looking for a trimmer physique? Look no further than a yoga practice. Yoga offers various benefits. When it comes to weight loss, yoga includes some specific asanas in your routine that can be a powerful tool for weight loss. Also, you can gain more flexibility, improve metabolism and build up your stamina. These asanas can be practiced at home.

Yoga is indeed a holistic package that enhances your mental, physical and spiritual approach. It helps to get your dream physic and reduce weight. Start your day full of energy. You can also join Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh to delve deep into yoga and transform your life as a yoga teacher.

How Does Yoga Help In Weight Loss?

Firing Up Your Metabolism

Burning more calories is a key to weight loss. Yoga incorporates different specific asanas that involve multiple muscle groups. As a result, it demands a greater metabolic, leading to more calorie burning even after your practice.

Building Strength and Endurance

Weight loss is more than just burning calories. Yoga poses targets core muscles, legs, and arms that will reduce your weight and build lean muscle mass. It further boosts your metabolism and helps in weight management.

The Power of Sun Salutations

Surya Namaskar involves 12 linked asanas that represent the essence of a complete yoga practice. This sequence supports and tones your entire body while enhancing cardiovascular health. Also, it gets your heart rate up and promotes calorie burning.

Targeted Asanas for Weight Loss:

Plank Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana)

Plank engages your entire body, from your shoulders to your toes. It enhances your posture and targets your upper body, shoulders and core fat burning and toning.

Warrior Pose (Veera bhadrasana)-

These powerful poses build strength, strengthen your lungs and back muscles. It also works on your legs, hips, core, and shoulders. It helps with calorie burning and tones up the mass in that region.

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

This pose works on your hips, stomach and thighs. It strengthens your glutes, hamstrings, and core while improving metabolism-regulating hormones. This pose helps to open your chest and shoulders, promoting better posture.

Boat Pose (Naukasana)-

This pose helps to strengthen your abdominal muscles, reduce your belly fat, improve digestion, blood circulation, and improve balance and more. You just need to hold your body in a V-shape position that looks like a boat.

There are also some other effective asanas available for weight loss such as Bow pose (Dhanurasana), Triangular pose ( Trikonasana), Shoulder stand (Sarvangasana), Cobra pose (Bhujangasana), etc.

Our Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh includes many more poses for weight loss. Call us at +91-6395949067 for more information.

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