Top 10 Reasons to Choose Yoga over Gym Workout

Yoga or gym – It’s a difficult question!! Doing yoga and gyming is almost coherent, both aims at developing physical and mental strength. Each one has its benefits, and we cannot say which one is better than the other. If you will keep certain factors aside, then yoga has much more to offer to us. Know about the importance of yoga teacher training Rishikesh in everyday life from experts.

Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh

Top ten reasons to choose yoga over gym:

#1Yoga heals your body, mind, and soul

Yoga repairs the physique; it keeps the body toned and attractive. But, while doing that, it also helps you to be truly in the moment and infuses your spirit with positive energy. Doing gym exercise can increase your physical strength only; it cannot heal you internally.

#2Yoga benefits your full body – both internally and externally

Yoga brings all metaphysical changes in the body through Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga training. Your body gets detox by thorough stretching, twisting, and circulatory movement of the body parts. The various systems of the body such as digestive system, lymph system and more remain in good working condition. You can get an improved cardiovascular system by doing yoga every day. A gym workout is focused only on strengthening muscles and boosting cardio.

#3 – Yoga Helps in Self-Acceptance

Yoga is the only physical exercise that improves you from inside out. You are always good with your strengths and weaknesses. Yoga helps in believing yourself – you are always perfect the way you are. Gym classes, on the other hand, give you a feeling like a failure if you cannot do everything correctly.

#4 – Yoga keeps you focused on yourself

Yoga classes avoid mirrors in their classroom. Many of them conduct yoga classes in an outside open area to have a fresh feeling. It’s because of one main reason – you can focus on yourself rather than comparing yourself with others, unlike gym classes where you have mirrors to worry about your limbs and body muscles.

#5 – Yoga Helps in the Breathing Process

Breathing is an essential part of our human body, with many other systems being dependent on it. We are mostly unaware of its power. Whereas, neither gym classes nor cardio exercise considers breathing to be an integral part of calorie-burning or building good health. Yoga helps you discover the benefits of breathing on body and mind. You can know about best breathing pattern helpful for your body.

#6 – Yoga eases body pain

When you feel pain around your body muscles, always rely on yoga practices. Yoga channelizes your energy in the right direction. It increases flexibility, keeps muscles and joints lubricated, and healthy. On the other hand, gyming is tiring. Everyday practices on treadmills and lifting heavy weights can cause pain and soreness, and even injuries to the muscles.

# 7 – Yoga helps in weight loss

Practicing yoga can increase your fat-burning process. Add strength to your loose muscles around belly, thighs, abs with yoga by stretching. Your body will take on a leaner appearance. Whereas, lifting weight in gym can cause your muscles to bulk up. Yoga is a sure shot method to slim down your body fat and brings more energy.

#8 –  Yoga reduces stress level

Yoga classes include different forms of yoga and meditation, as well. Meditation is mentioned as a proven method for physical, mental and spiritual healing. When you are all stressed out from work and hectic lifestyle, meditation in an isolated yoga retreat repairs you internally. With practice, you can grow a command on controlling your emotions and stress to deal with any situation with ease. A gym workout in loud music and light increases your stress level, rather than reducing it.

#9 – Yoga improves concentration

Yoga is mostly practiced in a secluded atmosphere, where you can disconnect yourself from the outer world. During the practice, you learn to meditate, improve breathing, control on posture and concentrate on the movement of body parts. You will come to know about the various practices that help you achieve oneness in body, mind, and soul. While you cannot try and get it in gym, this focus and silence in not encouraged with all other distraction like music, sound, light and all.

#10 – Yoga is for everyone

Starting from a young kid to senior citizen, everyone can do yoga. Yoga is not restricted to any age or physical condition. Whether you are sick, ill, or suffering from chronic aliment, yoga can help. Gym workouts are not even suggested for seniors or anybody having therapeutic disorders.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Training

From the above points, it is quite clear that yoga has still some influential factors to boost your life and well being. Now, it’s all upon you to take the final call. Think and then decide, after all to be healthy and fit should be primary in anyone’s life.

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