Tag: Yoga Teacher Training in India

Best Books for Learning Yoga Anatomy

Yoga anatomy is one of the essential parts of your yoga teacher training in India. Professional trainer in a yoga school gives greater emphasis on learning and understanding yoga anatomy; it allows a practitioner to understand the basic mantra for practicing a yoga posture correctly. In addition to practical knowledge, many books are there to help you out theoretically. Top…

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What is the Business Aspect of Yoga?

Yoga, the ancient physical practice of developing a healthy body and mind, finds its way in generating more profit for yoga practitioners these days. Any yoga professional who has completed a certified course in yoga teacher training in India can open his or her studio for yoga learning. No matter whether the person belongs from any country, race, creed, or…

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Know the Importance of Anatomy in Yoga Practice

Yoga learning is a comprehensive procedure; it includes the movement of various body parts with proper flow and sequence. These movements are called asana, and each asana helps in unity of your body and mind. When one does asana with complete knowledge about anatomy and alignment then it becomes easier to reap maximum benefit from your yoga practice. This is…

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The Top-Rated Yoga School of India – Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School

Are you looking for an authentic yoga teacher training institute in India that can help you learn with depth and integrity? Then, you are in the right place. Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School is one of the finest schools for yoga learning, with unparalleled instructors, a warm and supportive setting, and a highly comprehensive yoga course curriculum to master every yoga…

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Why Rishikesh is known as the Yoga Capital of the World?

Yoga learning has gone through a complete face-off in the last few years. People from India and abroad are trying to enrich themselves with the benefits of yoga. Different styles and forms are made a subject of learning for yoga teacher training in India. But, did you know which place got the greatest popularity after its introduction to the world?…

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Yoga Teacher Training in Bali or Rishikesh – Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School

If you are all set to start your yoga teacher training, there’s no other school better than Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School. Being one of the finest institutions for yoga learning, RVYS has always been a favorite spot for enthusiastic yoga learners. Yogis and Yoginis from almost all parts of the world flock to this yoga retreat for exploring the hidden…

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An Absolute Guide to Kundalini Yoga for Beginners

Yoga learners often come across Kundalini Yoga, but many of us fail to understand the fundamentals of the formation. Basically, it is a science and art of awakening your inner senses by practicing a different form of ancient yoga that raises the kundalini energy from the spine through various energy centers called chakras in the body. Kundalini Yoga practice comprises…

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Top 5 Yoga Destinations of India

India is the birthplace of yoga. Many philosophers, saints and yoga gurus have mentioned about yoga in the ancient texts and its upbringing in India. Now, yoga has been accepted throughout the world. 21st June is announced as International Yoga Day to cherish and celebrate the growth and spread of Yoga in India and abroad. If you want to connect…

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Yoga Postures for Correcting Cervical Spondylitis

Cervical Spondylitis problem is growing rapidly in the working category. Longer working hours, maximum work pressure and incorrect sitting postures in front of computers created a huge toll on your neck health. Medications cannot cure it of the root. Practicing yoga in the right way or joining yoga teacher training in India can make it way better than the earlier,…

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Guidelines for Pregnant Yoga Practitioners

During your pregnancy, practicing yoga is one of the finest ways to keep your body healthy and your mind peaceful. Your brain responds to the inner sensation created by yoga practices. Your body remains in good shape after delivery. In pregnancy, Yoga can connect an expectant mother to the unborn baby in the most profound form. It eases the birthing…

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