Rejuvenate Your Day with Ashtanga Yoga Mantra Chanting

Ashtanga yoga is not just about commanding various poses of yoga. It is a way of leading a peaceful life with a healthy mind and body. The ancient art in the world has shown the path of spirituality to millions of people around the globe. As yoga is associated with spirituality, the sacred mantras have a significant role to play, which can help you to enlighten the path of self-awareness.

Chanting of mantras in yoga is in existence for centuries. It is best for those who are looking forward to connecting with the divine spirit. Chanting helps you to raise positive vibrations in the body as well as develop a deep sense of calm and prosperity in your life. Various yoga schools teach how to begin yoga class with Ashtanga Yoga Mantra chanting.

Ashtanga Yoga

The Role of Mantra in Ashtanga Yoga

The Mantras are considered as a part of Ashtanga yoga. With multiple series, the Ashtanga yoga starts with short mantra (also known as opening mantra) and ends with a closing mantra. The mantra chanted in the beginning was introduced by a holy sage Patanjali (the author of the Yoga Sutras).

The Opening Chant Mantra

Ashtanga yoga consists of two parts, which come from different sources. The first part consists of longer texts known as the yoga Taravalli. It was written by a great philosopher Adi Sankara around 700 AD. The second part of the mantra is Patanjali Invocation. The mantra shows the reference to Indian Mythology, which is a tribute to the supreme guru of yoga who is believed to be the author of Yoga Sutras. A guru is the best guide or mentor who takes you on the path of ignorance to wisdom. It is chanted before studying Yoga Sutras. When the two parts are combined in the Ashtanga yoga, it is a way to express your gratitude to the lines and gurus who have made us capable of practicing Ashtanga Yoga.

The Opening Mantra is mentioned below: –

Ashtanga Yoga


Vande Gurunam charanaravinde

Sandarshita svatmasukavabodhe

Nishreyase Jangalikayamane

Samsara halahala mohashantyai

Abahu Purushakaram

Shankhacakrsi dharinam

sahasra sirasam svetam

Pranamami patanjalim


The Closing Chant Mantra

200 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Program

The closing mantra is like a general prayer that prays for the happiness and prosperity of the people around the world. After the mantra is over the word “Shanti” is repeated three times. It means peace, which is recited three times to create a balance between the physical, Psychological/mental (internal) and spiritual rhythms.

The Closing Mantra is mentioned below: –


Svasthi Praja Bhyaha Pari Pala Yantam Nya Yena Margena Mahim Mahishaha Go Brahmanebhyaha Shubamastu Nityam Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

The Bottom Line

The mantra mentioned above is chanted at the starting and end of the Ashtanga Yoga practice. This mantra helps you take your spirituality to the next level and command the poses of yoga.

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