How to Teach Postural Alignment to Students?

Having proper posture is very important especially comes to spinal alignment. You are make sure you have a healthy spine because you are going to need it if wish to remain active for rest of your life. Now, strengthening spinal cord with different yoga posture has been proven and verified technique. When you are going to teach someone after completing your yoga teacher training in India, there should be some classes for correcting the alignment of the body posture with different yoga practices.

Here’s a guide on how to teach postural alignment to yoga students in your class with different yoga techniques.

Postural Alignment for Beginners

The best yoga poses for a teacher when working with a beginner student are

  • Tadasana

Tadasana-Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School

Stand erect and join the feet together. Keep your toes close, but the heels may be slightly apart. Hands should be placed firmly alongside your body. Firm the legs lift the chest. Experience sense energy all the way up along your inner thighs to your groins. Feel the heat from your torso, neck, and head and out through the crown of your head. Inhale and exhale stretching your shoulder, arms, chest, and other body muscles. Tadasana is the first position, practiced with a mind of getting the students to stand upright. It is why we spend a lot of time in the yoga teacher training program in correcting the postural alignment of the body.

  • Trikonasana


Trikonasana-Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School

Stand comfortably on the mat with your feet parallel and three feet apart. Stretch your arms out. Turn your right foot out, so it faces to the top of the mat and aligns your front heel with the back heel. A 15 to 20-degree shift to the back foot is needed here. Then, touch your front feet with one hand and keep another arm above your head and shoulders away from the ears. Stay at least for five breaths and repeat the same on another side.

  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog posture)-

Adho Mukha Svanasana- Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School

Come on to the floor with your hands and knees behind the hips a little bit. Head between your hands and downward-facing to the chest. Lift your knees away from the floor, while doing exhalation. Keep your tailbone in the right posture. Lengthen your spine, lift your sit bones towards the ceiling and come to a dog posture. For beginners, they can bend their knees to get the essence of the power of the pose, which is beautiful.

  • Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Forward Bend Yoga Posture) –

Prasarita-Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School

Come to a straight standing posture with legs 3 to 4 1/2 feet wide. Keep your feet in parallel length, so that you can feel the equal distribution of weight throughout your body. Put your hands on the waist. Exhale and lean the torso forward from your hip joints. Come down to the floor with your hands resting. Keep the back very flat; there is a tendency that flexible students might hinge more. But, try to keep the end straight. Feel that your body is hanging, and your legs are substantial on the ground. Then, go ahead and come down a little bit more. Pull the forehead down towards the floor, lengthening the legs and pressing the hips towards the ceiling. Press the head down and feel the pressure on the spine. Hold on the posture for 3-8 breaths. To come back to normal, reverse each step and stand upright.

  • Bhujangasana (Cobra posture) –

Bhujangasana-Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School

If someone is suffering from back pain, then cobra pose is probably the best posture. For doing it, you need to come down on the mat. Lie down on your stomach, with your toes against the floor, and spread your hands on the floor. There is a particular measurement for keeping the hands on the floor. Some people use to keep it near the eyes, ear, or rib cage. Prefer keeping the elbows and arms in parallel near the rib cage. Inhale entirely and move your body up. Deepen your stretch to create a graceful arc in your back. Stretch your back as much as you can. Hold on your breath for 5 to 10 breaths. As you exhale, gently release your body on the floor.

  • Balasana (Child pose) –

Balasana-Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School

Come on to the mat with your hands and knees on it. Then sit on it, keeping your hips on heels. Slowly bend forward. Lower your forehead to touch the floor. Keep your arms alongside the body. Make sure your palms are facing in an upward direction. Gently, press your chest on your thighs, and you are in a child-like posture. Remain in the same pose for 45-60 seconds. You will feel the sensation of energy throughout the body. Inhale and exhale for 4-12 breaths in the same posture. Gradually raise your body and return to a sitting position. Feel relaxed.

  • Dandasana (Staff pose) –

Dandasana-Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School

Sit erect on the mat. Keep your spinal cord straight. Legs should be in a parallel position. Stretch them in front, while keeping them in a pointed. Press your hand on the mat, just next to the hips. Align your head in such a way that the crown faces the ceiling. Your spinal cord should be straight. Breathe normally. Hold Dandasana posture for maximum of 30 seconds. You can feel the sensation of a flow of energy from downwards to upwards, doing the posture for a minute.

The seven yoga Asanas mentioned here are best for teaching postural alignment to beginners, as already mentioned. For experts, the asanas advance to several other posture and movement. You can learn more about postural alignment from the experts here – Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School.

One of the best yoga teacher training in India, offering 100 hours, 200 hours, and 300 hours courses in Rishikesh, and other locations. Feel free to contact at 955-867-2399, or email at

Read more – How to Start Yoga Teaching Yoga? Know About the Five Easy Steps to Follow

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