How to Start Ashtanga Yoga Intermediate Practice

The Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga is a style of yoga that was created by K.Pattabhi Jois during the 20th century. It is well promoted as the modern-day form of classical yoga.

Before exploring more about the Intermediate practice for Ashtanga yoga, let us go through general know-how about the style of Ashtanga yoga and its significance.

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Why should you practice Ashtanga yoga?

  • The form of Ashtanga that is practiced in India promotes greater awareness and helps us alter our behavioral patterns to strive for a healthier lifestyle.
  • It also has a Therapeutic effect. The practice of Ashtanga yoga is highly therapeutic for a backache, digestive system, liver, and gallbladder.
  • The Ashtanga yoga asanas strengthen the backbone, tones the abdominal muscles, massage the digestive system, and improves circulation.
  • The style also creates inner strength and develops self-discipline and awareness. You become impersonal and self-connected with reality.
  • Approached with an essence of commitment and sensitivity, and Ashtanga yoga is an incredible tool that calms the mind. The practice of this style tranquilizes the brain and helps to create a balance between your mind, body, and soul.

How to start your Ashtanga Yoga Intermediate Practice?

Over the decade, the number of people who are finding Ashtanga Yoga helpful has been on the rise. The style of yoga is comprehensive and delves more into the natural approach for a healthy lifestyle.

ashtanga yoga

If you are willing to start an Ashtanga yoga practice, here are a few tips that can help you in the journey.

  • Find a good Teacher

Learning a completely different style of yoga is not easy. A well trained, certified, experienced teacher is someone onto whom you can trust your yoga journey to begin with. It is required that the teachers should be committed and well-versed.

  • Asanas first

It is believed that ideally, it is best to start with asanas. A healthy mind always rests in a healthy body. Practicing asanas first would ensure that your body develops healthily, allowing you to master the more stringent phase of Ashtanga with ease.

  • The Ashtanga primary series

Also known as the Yoga Therapy Chikitsa (means ‘treatment’ in Sanskrit). It helps to get oxygen to the parts of your body, which has never taken part in the respiration process. The process gets some of the muscles to start functioning, which have never been used before, and so, tones your body.

  • The right attitude

Having a positive outlook toward learning Ashtanga yoga would help you experience its benefits more vibrantly. A proper attitude with a good sense of humor ensures your learning is complete and promises a long way for your interests in yogic sciences.

  • Practice makes it perfect

You cannot master the form of yoga in a short time. Practicing the different poses of Ashtanga yoga. Learning the different styles of yoga can be made to look natural if you practice in a disciplined and composed manner.

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The Final Word

Rightly said that Ashtanga yoga is not a hundred-meter sprint; it is a marathon. So, it requires a considerable amount of patience and perseverance to learn it entirely in the correct manner.

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