Yoga Teacher Training

Contemplate the Sublime within You Learning Yoga in Rishikesh!

Rishikesh, the eternal city of Uttarakhand, is going to be your next travel destination for some good reasons. First is the outdoor adventure, hiking trails, religious temples, and more. Next is the growing number of yoga schools in the lap of the Himalayan Mountains, standing near the holy river Ganges. Yoga in Rishikesh is a mind-blowing experience. One can feel…

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Yoga Syllabus for RYS Yoga Course– Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School

With the mushrooming growth of yoga, India has become a focal point of attraction. Many yogis and yoginis are coming from every corner of the world to study and learn about it. According to studies, more than a thousand yoga schools are providing short-term and long-term yoga teacher training in India to develop their yoga school and sharpen the art…

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What is the Business Aspect of Yoga?

Yoga, the ancient physical practice of developing a healthy body and mind, finds its way in generating more profit for yoga practitioners these days. Any yoga professional who has completed a certified course in yoga teacher training in India can open his or her studio for yoga learning. No matter whether the person belongs from any country, race, creed, or…

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Know All About the History of Yoga, Its Origin and Journey till Date

Yoga is one most excellent technique to enlightenment in life. From your body to mind, yoga disciplines helps in achieving self-awareness which many of us cannot attain with physical exercise. The age-old spiritual and ascetic practice has been around for more than 5000 years, however many of us unaware of its birth, history, and development to date. If you want…

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The Eight Types of Pranayama One Needs to Practice

Pranayama, or say the yogic science of breathing offers enormous benefit to the human body and brain. It’s one of the most ancient disciplines practiced in India for attaining peace and self-awareness. Famous Sage Patanjali has also mentioned in his Yoga Sutras about the benefits of Pranayama and how it should be practiced. Researchers and experts of modern science have…

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All About Jivamukti Yoga Origin, Classes, and Training

Jivamukti Yoga, also known as “liberation while living,” is becoming the sole source of enlightenment for many enthusiastic yoga learners around the world. People are feeling the magic it holds. From the development of your physical to mental health, Jivamukti Yoga teaching energizes the life to bring more dynamism and brighten up the future ahead. Unlike, all other yoga practices,…

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The Five Koshas or Layers of Body You Might Not Be Knowing

For better health, happiness, and well being; yoga is essential. Yoga brings metaphysical changes in life. It brings a sense of satisfaction to the body with the practice of a few different postures of Ashtanga Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, hatha yoga, yin yoga, Nidra and more. However, it’s more than addressing the physical body. Yoga ascertains five different layers of body…

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Yog Nidra or Yogic Sleep – An Art of Awakening Your Inner Self

Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on Indian philosophical and religious traditions. It’s an art that awakens yourself by different yoga asanas. Many of us think yoga as learning physical postures and breathe work. However, yoga is more than practicing poses. Anyone who has ever tried yoga will agree that “yog nidra” is an ultimate form of restoration and…

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#5 Things You Should Know About Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Yoga is an age-old practice that has evolved in India since its core sutras were coined some 1700 years ago by the sage Patanjali. The practice became a tradition. Soon, the world realized the importance of yoga teacher training in India and its benefit to the body, mind, and soul. Many of them even tried to learn from sacred books…

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Life Changes at Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training School in Ubud

So, you have already decided to enroll in our vinyasa yoga teacher training program in Ubud, Bali? Yoga teacher training course is a life-changing experience here. Any enthusiastic student can learn and practice different styles and forms of vinyasa yoga offered by the yoga classes. One can explore the enchanting Balinese beauty of Ubud, gawk the sublime beaches and feel…

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