Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh

Know About the Difference between Eastern and Western Yoga Training

There are various styles of yoga being practiced in different parts of the globe. As yoga became a part of everyone’s life, many yoga types are practiced throughout the globe. India is the birthplace of yoga, but with passing time, many yoga types came into existence. Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh tells you about traditional styles of practicing yoga under the guidance…

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Learn Yoga from top 10 Ashtanga Yoga Certified Teachers- Mysore Style

The art of yoga requires constant guidance, practice, and patience so that you can command the complicated poses easily. It is truly exciting to learn yoga under the supervision of experienced yoga teachers. The yoga gurus help you to unveil the hidden secrets of yoga as well as teach you about various philosophies of ancient art. There are many teachers…

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How to Prepare to Begin Your Yoga Journey to Rishikesh or Bali?

Rishikesh, the yoga capital of the world, invites numerous people from around the globe. Surrounded by incredible beauty, the place promises you many things in unexpected ways. The snow-covered mountain peaks along with holy river Ganga binds the attention of the tourist who is coming to learn yoga in the spiritual capital of the world. It is a place famous…

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Know About the Best Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh

With the increasing craze of yoga, the yoga lovers around the globe are looking for the best yoga training. Rishikesh, the yoga capital of India, is famous for imparting the best yoga training for yoga aspirants in the country. Holy waters of Ganga surround the place with a perfect combination of the green Himalayan Mountains. Practicing yoga in the lap…

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A Brief Guide on Best Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh

Rishikesh, the spiritual capital of India, is one of the best places for the people who are looking for mental peace. The eternal city of Uttrakhand is the next travel destination for tourists due to some good reasons. Rishikesh promises a number of outdoor adventure, hiking trails, and many more thrilling activities. But apart from non-stop adventure, the growing number…

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Best Ashtanga Yoga Teacher in Rishikesh – Yogi Yashpal Rauotela

Ashtanga Yoga is one of the most profound forms of modern yoga, and it has been appreciated by many yoga gurus, saints, and sages for several reasons. For learning ashtanga yoga in the best ways no other place on earth can ensure highest of satisfaction, as best school for yoga teacher training in Rishikesh does. One of the finest of…

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Why Learn Yoga in Rishikesh? Top Five Reasons to Know

Known as the world capital of yoga, Rishikesh offers the best place for learning and practicing yoga in the lap of nature. Rishikesh boasts a mind-blowing setting for yoga learning, with over a thousand years of historical and cultural background. Yoga has its birthplace in Rishikesh, so neither of Indians nor international student stops by any other destinations in the…

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Top 10 Schools for Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Rishikesh counts among the top destinations for yoga learning in India. It emerged as a hub for learners who wish to pursue a career in yoga teaching. Near the foothills of Himalayan Mountains the number of yoga teacher training institute is gaining popularity. Some of them are ranked on top ten around the world, not only for training and courses…

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Top 10 Reasons to Choose Yoga over Gym Workout

Yoga or gym – It’s a difficult question!! Doing yoga and gyming is almost coherent, both aims at developing physical and mental strength. Each one has its benefits, and we cannot say which one is better than the other. If you will keep certain factors aside, then yoga has much more to offer to us. Know about the importance of…

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What are the Six Darshanas of Hindu Orthodox Philosophy?

First, you need to understand the essence of Hindu philosophies in life. Technically, man always strives to fulfill his basic necessities. Once all they are fulfilled and normal struggles of living are won, he starts thinking about the real purpose and meaning of life. Hindu Orthodox philosophy gives answers to all those questionnaires that define the existence and purpose of…

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