Best Books for Learning Yoga Anatomy

Yoga anatomy is one of the essential parts of your yoga teacher training in India. Professional trainer in a yoga school gives greater emphasis on learning and understanding yoga anatomy; it allows a practitioner to understand the basic mantra for practicing a yoga posture correctly. In addition to practical knowledge, many books are there to help you out theoretically.

Top Five Books for Learning and understanding yoga anatomy

If you are a beginner or someone who is contemplating to start a yoga teacher training in India, referring to the following book on yoga anatomy will certainly enlighten you or open up to a whole new world of choices.

Yoga Teacher Training in India

  • Anatomy of exercise and movement by Jo-Ann Staugaard-Jones is an informative book on bio mechanics of movement. It consists of ten-color coded chapter. Each chapter contains exercise to strengthen and stretch body parts in the right way, no matter whether it is your hand, major muscles, joints or spinal cord.
  • The Body in Motion by Theodore Dimon is a comprehensive guide on the design and functionality of human body, evolution of specific system and many more. The book tries to make sense of our amazing human body construction in a logical way. From every chapter you are going to have in-depth knowledge about human body anatomy and how different body parts are constructed to serve the same.
  • The Key Muscles of Yoga written by Ray Long is a guide to the functional anatomy of hatha yoga practices. The book offers a scientific approach to understand the training. It features four volumes, of which each chapter is color-coded in three-dimensional way to understand everything in detail. From beginners to experts, this book is going to be your constant support.
  • Functional Anatomy of Yoga by David Keil is a guide for casual practitioners and professional trainers to utilize the benefits of anatomy in yoga. It gives an idea of different body parts and how it is supposed to be integrated. You can also learn how different yoga postures interrelate from the perspective of functional anatomy.
  • Yoga: Fascia, Anatomy, and Movement wrote by Joanne Avison. This book brings a revolutionary change. It helps in understanding and implementation of yoga practices in a practical and relevant way to the movement. It can help yoga teachers in experiencing and seeing yoga anatomy in three dimensions so that they can become more creative with yoga postures.
  • Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews second edition. One of the best selling yoga anatomy books is completely updated with new color-coded chapters, three-dimensional pictures, and full-color illustrations. Yoga students and professional teachers can take a deeper understanding of the structure, principles movement and breathing technique from the book.

Yoga Teacher Training in India

These are some of the best books for learning and understanding yoga anatomy. You may also like to read – The Injury-Free Yoga Practice, Anatomy Trains by Thomas Myers, Kinesiology: The Skeletal System and Muscle Function by Joseph Muscolino.

You can order online from best selling websites. Read these books to empower yourself. If you have any questions in mind, like yoga, anatomy learning can help, what the best books, or other, you can freely call and talk to yoga experts. Call 955-867-2399, or email at

Also, read – Best Ashtanga Yoga Teacher in Rishikesh – Yogi Yashpal Rauotela

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