Ashtanga Yoga and Its Series

Ashtanga yoga is a famous form of yoga that is famous among yoga lovers. It has gained a lot of popularity among the people due to its remarkable healing abilities. People who are suffering from joint and back pains this form of yoga helps to relieve the pain.

This form of yoga is famous among the athletes who want to enhance their performance in sports. It is practiced by athletes who want to treat their injuries. The poses of yoga are difficult, and it is not easy for a normal person to practice different poses of Ashtanga yoga.

Ashtanga Yoga

Series of Ashtanga Yoga

 We provide 200-hour Ashtanga yoga training which consists of physical poses which include physical and mental benefits for the body as compared to other postures of yoga it poses a higher degree of difficulty. The Ashtanga series of yoga is performed in a series of action. This is a form of yoga which is practiced since Vedic ages. The literal meaning of Ashtanga yoga means “eight-limbed yoga.”

The series of Ashtanga yoga consists of six series, i.e., Primary, Intermediate, and four Advanced series. Each one of them has a primary set of series. Each of the six series begins with Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutations) 5 of the A variations and five from B variations. They all are followed by the standing sequence. There is the same ending at the end of every sequence.

The Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga

The first series of Ashtanga yoga is known as Yoga Chikitsa, which means yoga therapy. This series has cleansing and toning effect on the body and mind. The primary series help you to build strength and flexibility in the body. It helps to loosen the tight muscles, realigning and detoxifying the body nervous system. On a mental level, the regular practice focuses on willpower, mind body and awareness and confidence. The primary level of energy channels in the body is known as Nadis.

The Intermediate Series of Ashtanga Yoga

This is a second stage which is known as the Nadi Shodana which means Nerve Cleansing. This stage focuses on the Backend Asanas. It encourages to strengthen the spine and the working of energy channels which allows Prana to flow freely. The poses have health benefits and challenges, but the combination of poses work actively on the nervous system. It is best to end your practice with a long Savasana.

The Advanced Series of Ashtanga Yoga

This is the final stage of Ashtanga Yoga which means Sthira Bhaga which means to center the strength of the body. It also helps to relieve joint pain and remove the toxins from the body. The sweat during the yoga session expels the toxins from the body.

The primary series is quite challenging for the people, and they might stay with the primary set to command it.  Asana practice in the initial days will help you to make the body active as well as stabilize the sense organs. Controlling the mind can help you to grasp the first two series. There are long term health benefits of yoga when a person practices yoga every day.

Take it as a challenge who want to add something new to their exercise routine. This is the first choice of sportsperson who wants to enhance their performance in the matches. This yoga poses will help you to increase your stamina, strength, and flexibility. Start your day with Astanga yoga and take your mental and physical fitness to the next level. It is very easy to command yoga poses with regular practice under the guidance of an expert. Once you master this yoga form, you can easily connect your body to the soul and enjoy your life with peace and happiness.

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