An Absolute Guide to Kundalini Yoga for Beginners

Yoga learners often come across Kundalini Yoga, but many of us fail to understand the fundamentals of the formation.

Basically, it is a science and art of awakening your inner senses by practicing a different form of ancient yoga that raises the kundalini energy from the spine through various energy centers called chakras in the body.

Kundalini Yoga practice comprises of different asanas, mudras, mantras, kriyas, breath work, and meditation. In order to get the most from your yoga teacher training in India, you need to every aspect in detail. Let us help you to walk through some of the technical parts of kundalini yoga here.

Yoga Teacher Training in India

Fundamental of Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini – A Sanskrit word which means coiled snake, an incredible storehouse of psychic energy and source of divine powers in yourself. It is believed that divine energy lies dormant at the base of the spinal cord. Kundalini uncoils it and connects us to the divine energy.

Prana Apana – A yoga practice that awakens the first kundalini through heat generated from prana and Apana. Prana, or life force and Apana, the power of giving back unit together to create tappa at the navel center, which descends down and awakens the kundalini.

Kriyas – A set of exercise that works on all level of your mind, body, and spirit, creating an overall healthy and abundant life full of vitality.

Pranayama – An advanced breathing technique to channelize or direct the flow of energy or awaken self-consciousness.  Read about – The Eight Types of Pranayama One Needs to Practice

Asanas – A set of different yoga posture designed to stimulate the organs, glands and different body parts to feel awakened. Asanas apply pressure on the acupressure points and prepare the mind for meditation.

Mudras – A sequential movement of hand or finger that locks and direct energy from the body to the brain cells. Curl up your hands, cross them, stretching or touch; each of the movement creates brain reflexes.

Bhandas – A voluntary muscle contraction to redirect the energy flow within different parts of the body. It increases the kundalini energy, which allows one to experience high state of consciousness.

Chakras – The central vortex or spinning disc of light located in the spinal cord of all human being. It is a center where the physical and non-physical energy transfer is done to awaken the kundalini.

Mantras – A syllable, word or phrase that attracts positive energy and modifies consciousness by continuously practicing rhythmically. Mantra chanting can channelize a powerful reaction in the brain and body that enhances your mood automatically.

Meditation – A process of awakening your inner self, heightening or moving up the inner energy to achieve different results. Meditation helps in calming your body and mind, control emotional sensitiveness, improves alertness, grow a self-controlled personality and give an enhanced sense of being conscious. Meditation can boost vibrant energy and can rejuvenate your focus, coordination, and spirit. Consistent practice can yield great results.

How can it help us?

Kundalini Yoga is extremely useful in managing the energy, emotion, and motion in body. Its’ continuous practice can make you aware of yourself, your body, and its complete geometry form. When you introduce kundalini yoga in your ashtanga vinyasa yoga learning, you will notice a change. You can achieve a life full of lightness, joy and boundless love.

Kundalini Yoga practice

Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School can help you in learning and pursuing a career in Kundalini Yoga practice. You will come to know about the underlying philosophies, benefits and the right method to practice it. Come and enroll your name for yoga teacher training in India. Visit site for more details.

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