Sivananda yoga, after lessons of Swami Sivananda, is a non-proprietary form of hatha yoga in which the training focuses on an integrative way to yogic disciplines. Sivananda Yoga is a school of customary Hatha yoga.

Principles, Benefits & Precautions

Sivananda Yoga: the Art of Relaxation. Channeling relaxation in your body and upgrading self-awareness can have a positive effect on your life and enhance your general. The five principles of Sivananda yoga promotes consciousness in the way you exercise, eat, and your overall perspective on life.

What type of yoga is Sivananda?

Appropriate breathing (pranayama) Exercise (asanas) Relaxation (savasana) Diet (veggie lover) Positive reasoning and reflection (Vedanta and dhyana). Sivananda yoga, after lessons of Swami Sivananda, is a non-exclusive type of hatha yoga in which the preparation centers around an integrative way to deal with yogic orders.

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